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7 african gods and goddesses

their all one, they each represent a different sense of being. What about gods or stories in other religions? Home. Staff Works , https://africa.si.edu/collections/objects/4343/staff;jsessionid=D42CDB944133045361825BF627EC3B4C. Where can I connect with a community to learn more? The pantheon of Orishas (traditionally followed by the Yoruba people) is a sequence of divine spirits dispatched by the supreme god Olodumare. It is said that Bumba vomited the universe during its inception, creating the sun then drying up the water on Earth creating the land. WebSpirits African mythology is filled with spirits, invisible beings with powers for good or evil. ( delete if not allowed) hello, I hope you are doing well. Hes the fertile male god whos intimate with Oba, Oshun and Oya. His symbols include a white dove and, in more modern times, wreaths of olives due to them becoming a universal sign of peace. I believe that your dream was a sign. Area of Influence: Instead, we can refer to the Yoruba religion as its most popular religion simply due to how widespread it is. Having received the secret of iron, Ogun shared the secret with the other gods and humans. They are rivals. I grew up in a christian church and I am at an age where I have decided to embark on my journey to learn and explore spirituality as my ancestors did prior to being brought over to America. Mulungu, is thought to be. I feel like its a lifeline. Shango is one of the hot orishas and is known as the lord of thunder and fire. Among the Yoruba people, Olokun is the goddess of the waters. Obatala is the gentlest of the Seven African Powers and very patient. Her domain is the Niger River, fertility, secrets, shapeshifting, spirits, cemeteries, etc. Distraught, Oba became the Oba River which intersects with the Osun River, named for another wife of Shango. I recently bought a statue with Jesus on his cross and the 7 Orishas around him. Being connected to places such as hospitals where the borders of life and death are frequently grazed. Web[1] [2] North Africa Berber mythology Egyptian deities Guanche deities Osiris, lord of the dead. Being the third and the most senior wife of Shango, Oba was one of his consorts. She is the wife of Nyame, the creator god. Ive always been drawn to wanting to understand African spirituality since I was a teenager but at that time if you tried to go to the library to look up info there was only a couple of books out. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Yemaya is the most powerful African goddess. Known as the spirit who never rests, Ogun is a shaman and healer and has close ties to blood. I ran outside and started calling the feminine Orishas I learned about in this book by Lillth Dorsey, Orishas Goddesses and Voodoo Queens. The puertricans call her Yemaya, because they say its a translation of Spanish. The ''Yemaya'' iteration of Yemonja's name was creolized in Cuba. Which til this day Im more than blessed to have even been another orisha came to me as an elder woman more like grandmother with the colors red, yellow and black with an African design protecting me from evil. They say Ogun isnt just a spirit of iron, that he is iron. Orunmila is a God of wisdom, knowledge and divination. Destiny is an important notion to believe in because it continually shapes the lifestyle of the individual who lives in its belief. Shango is said to be a deified ancestor who was the fourth king of the town of Oyo. SPHINX Greek Mythical Woman Headed Lion Temi Iwalaiye Temi Iwalaiye is a lifestyle Reporter at Pulse. Nyame is one of the most important figures in Akan mythology, considered to be the supreme sky god. Osanyin is a lesser-known god among the Yoruba people. This is because that number is an incomprehensible number for the Yoruba people, which in turn implies that there are an infinite number of gods in this pantheon. He is one of the Seven African Powers whos a psychopomp (a guide for the dead) and also a guardian of travelers. Discover the various gods and goddesses of West African mythology. This defense was a top priority in a hostile place like West Africa. I dont know about apps but try searching for audiobooks on the Orishas. Dialogue Institute. Just Started my journey in learning more of African Spirituality. Their brother, Oduduwa, created the world instead. Nyx, The Greek Goddess of Night: What Was Her Story? The dead doesnt just include a human being; it consists of the natural world in the sense that dead trees would have to fall to make way for newer ones. The baby doll starting moving and crawling towards me, which startled me but at the same fascinated me so much that this was even happening. A great, lasting one makes way for a civilization to flourish. Intention is energy, spirit is energy. Oshun is the Goddess of love, freedom, fertility, and water. Crops may live or die due to changes in the skies above, and stomachs may be quenched for hunger or thirst. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 These are the Benin, Yoruba and Dahomey tribes, and despite the fact that prostitution is considered to be a taboo by most modern people, it is often times cited as a necessity by these tribes. Mythology #3: Nyame is the supreme sky god in Akan mythology. Korean Mythology Gods & Folklore | What is Korean Mythology? Oshun has appeared to me in mediation and even crown me. What other similarities can you find between Yoruba and Greek gods? The reason as to why there is a +1 Orisha in that list is because the +1 is meant to represent the extra one you didnt account for, or the one that you never even considered in the first place. The old man had two young children, a boy and a girl. Orunmila, the Orisha of knowledge, omniscience, and wisdom, is the embodiment of destiny. Aj Shaluga is the god that represents money and treasures. The answer will reveal itself. I called out to them as I could name them. When Obatala was unable to create, Oduduwa stepped in as creator. If you find working with one spirit or god isnt enough, invoking the 7 African Powers will pack the spiritual punch you need! I feel them with me daily !!! Animism refers to the belief that everything (and yes, LITERALLY everything) possesses a spiritual quintessence. The two walk together as their thunderstorms destroy everything in sight. 77 sold. I started gaining an interest in the Orishas kind of out of nowhere. Could anyone point me in the right direction? As such, the more you look at it, the more interesting these African cultures get, as their religious beliefs are very different from ours. Nearly every culture associates rivers with something benevolent. Dahomey Goddesses As well as African Goddesses, there are also many important Gods in African mythology, including Shango, Olorun, Obatala, Bumba, Oya, Early River Valley Civilizations in the Americas, Comparing Historical Developments Across Time & Geography, Cambodian Civil War Lesson for Kids: Causes & Summary, Cambodia Lesson for Kids: History & Facts, The Gttingen Scholars, History & 19th-Century Historiography, Jacob Burckhardt's Impact on Cultural History, Auguste Comte's Views on Historical Development, Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution & Impact on Historiography. Hence, his being is deeply rooted in the Yoruba peoples psychology. The Yoruba people refer to this religion as . The second most important theme that we can attribute to the Yoruba religion and culture is the idea behind reincarnation. No, the 7 African powers when called on for ritual or a need wouldnt interact negatively with any other energy in the home. I went to whole foods and got her a good bar of organic chocolate. I renounce Asa, also known as father god or the strong lord, that rules over mercy, help It is revered as the goddess that promotes productivity, hard work, and the overall positive well-being of the people. She may have also been the patron of County Cork. I believe my sister has cast a hex on me. How long have you been live this life style???? I wear alot of yellow & I accessorize with alot of orange and gold! While fables offer imaginative explanations, there is no doubt that the Orisha pantheons followers make it their lifestyle to uphold the norms and practices imposed by these deities. The Seven African Powers are seven of the most potent and venerated Orishas. I love the statue and Im a big believer but I dont want to disrespect ogun and chango being in the same statue and space. To haphazardly throw Shango and Ogun on the same altar without doing research may anger them! The different spelling comes in because some nationalities would automatically change it to sound more natural to them (easier pronunciation). And what better tool to carry it out than the trusty old iron? Anansi, the spider god, can be found in the stories and looking to strengthen my practice. They are all mentioned within this list. So you may think about the total as often as you like, but there will always be one more Orisha to consider. You are the source/GOD the power flows through you, you have the ability to heal and create/manifest. $37.00. He is most often times showcased sick, since he did vomit up the Earth back in the day. Since the river flows through Iwo, the people of Iwo are often referred to as the children of the Oba River. Learn about the Seven African Powers and how you can begin working with them in African spirituality and folk magic. Modern people often underestimate the might of a crackling burst of thunder. The Orishas that caught a sphere of influence were responsible for that sphere. succeed. He is said to be half man, half fish. Thanks in advance. Oshun is the Yoruban goddess of the river. Some believe Oshun and Yemaya are sisters and venerate them together. That is because there are so many wondrous, crazy and fantastic stories that you can hear coming from the tribes here, stories that you wont be able to find anywhere else around the globe. Yemaya has been portrayed as the wife of Obatala and the mother of other powerful orishas like Shango and Oya. Any information for a beginner on her journey would help. Voodoo Religions | Rituals, Beliefs, Practices & Symbols, Mythological Fire Creatures | Overview, Examples & Myths. Lets start? This basket is full of potions and healing herbs, since she is also often times referred to as the Goddess of Botany. Being involved in marine affairs also implies that she is engaged in rejuvenating the human mind, further solidifying her position. I am looking for new books on the subject. Because of their genderless identity, Obatala is a god for all and values fairness, forgiveness, and compassion. Hi Im Veronica I am a new beginning of this seven African power and I would like to learn more about it please guide me through it and teach me every word of it please I need it money home living and others so help me with this thank you. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. Eshu is commonly known among the Yoruba people of Nigeria as the trickster god who serves as a messenger between heaven and earth. Going to start back most definitely, Mumbo Jumbo was a monotheistic African God who I could reference 60 years ago but has seemed to disappear since then..?? Nearly every spirit associated with the crossroads is a trickster, and Eshu Elegbara is no exception. African goddess of love and beauty Oshun is the African goddess of love and sweet waters. As a result, they are all controlled within the domains of the Orishas. Just write down the key points of your dream that stood out to you and the date. 3. In this lesson, several parallels have already been drawn between Yoruba and ancient Greek mythology. West Africa is anything but peaceful, as war can break out at any point between tribes, which is why steel is a more useful keeper of peace than words will ever be. Does one have to be initialed into the Yoruba religion in order to call on the Orisas or 7 African Powers? 7th: Yemaya. Obatala prefers people who control their emotions and are level-headed. She is actually Shangos favorite wife, and she is one of the most important Orishas that you need to know about in the Yoruba pantheon. Orishas, too, have emotions that flow gracefully like the river. Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. It is said that Ogo influences the male personality, the premature separation from the womb, and children often resemble him during play. I looked at my daughter and laughed. African mythology has hundreds if not thousands of other gods and goddesses that we have yet to mention in this article alone. There are a few thats not listed. Then there are Christians who calls it witchcraft like my church, to be honest I always get asked are you Christian, baptise, what is your religion? The ones in the article are just the most popular, and sought after. Eshu, the Divine Trickster. Yemaya has no meaning in Yoruba. She gives abundant treasures and foods like the sea but can also be angered like the sea. Im new the the practice as well, still learning. The Seven African Powers are these seven Orishas: Eshu Elegbara, Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango and Oya. I dont have an answer but just want to share with you. Now that you have learned about many of the important Yoruba myths, choose your favourite one. Consequently, because of his knowledge, Orunmila is said to know the ways of the world and the fate of humankind. That theyve always been saints. Nana Buluku is primarily found in the Fon religion but is also known among the Yoruba people. How do I banish an attached spirit ? theyre is yorba and santaria when it comes to orisha practices and for both the storys are diffrent so i would justmake sure youre following someone who is yorba or santaria depending on what you desires . 1. Burn the incense during prayer as offering to them. Offer of flowers, fresh fruit, pigeons, and necklaces made of coins and shells are given to Aje Shaluga. In the Yoruba religion, there is one main creator god known as Olodumare. Yes you do have to be initiated to have a serious connection , any other who calls on our Orishas are seen as strangers to the religion , wouldnt be able to attend ceremonies or anything involving the Orishas . His purpose might not be material, but it is a psychological one reflected in many African myths. Im sure the translation wasnt an offense, it just isyemaya for example is primarily used by puertricans. Am Nigeria am have the five of orisha powerful these are:obatala,sango,ogun,osun and esu. After the creation of the earth and people, Ogun is said to have climbed down to earth on a spiderweb with the other gods. While some are capable of being killed, many are immortal. Obatala was tasked with creating the world but got distracted at a party and could not fulfill their duties. Oduduwa's older brother, Obatala, was supposed to be the original creator but after getting drunk at a party, Obatala failed to complete his task. YES MA AM !! Another belief revolves around reincarnation. The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. #2 Apophis (Apep), Serpent God of the Underworld. Olodumare created the Orishas and therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers. How does Santeria differ from Yoruba religious practice? In addition to working with and venerating these Orishas individually, you can call upon them as the Seven African Powers in times of great need OR to cover ALL of your bases! They were supposed to take care of the first men and women, but because they got distracted their brother Oduduwa decided to create the world instead for them to be safe in. When the Seven are brought together in invocation and prayer, they will do amazing things for their people. She was the one that taught the Yoruba people how to create potions and heal through herbs alone, and whenever you do go hunting you need to give her an offering so she allows you to have a safe passage through her realm. South American Mythology | Gods, Creatures & Stories, Egyptian Mythological Creatures | List, Folklore & Symbolism, Slavic Mythology | Gods, Symbols & Stories, West Africa: People, Culture & History | West African Countries, Mexican Mythology | Monsters, Mythical Creatures & Folklore. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. She is the goddess of fertility, morality, creativity and land, and she is often times seen next to Amadioha, her husband and the God of the Sky. Lets take a look at each of the Seven African Powers, their qualities, and the saints they were syncretized with. Free shipping. Be smart and respectful. His role also extends to the natural world as he knows everything that takes place within it. His domain is over legal matters and he brings legitimate justice. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Its Yemoja not Yemaya please shes called Yemoja in Africa. A note on online sources: Ive done considerable research on the Seven African Powers, and I find it interesting that because of the forced syncretization of the Seven African Powers with seven Catholic saints, some sources claim the original 7 were never Orishas. Her domain is over all things that flow like water, love, milk, money, honey, etc. Im so proud of you. This is an ode to Oguns double-edged sword, representing two sides of justice. Interestingly enough, Obatala was never actually stated as being a male or a female god, they are pretty much androgynous. While modern people look at the roar of the thunder and they dont think much of it, back in ancient times, this thunder would have been a sign that the gods wrath was coming down from the heavens, punishing the pagans that took the gods name in vain. I would like to share a picture that was revealed to me from Oshun. Orunmila is a prime example of it. i very much appreciate this information, thank you. Not only does she hold control over it, but she also radiates the power of compassion and love. We all know that no matter which religion you look into, chances are that they consider rivers to be a benevolent gift from the gods. You may choose to work with individual Orishas OR learn how to invoke the Seven African Powers together at the end of this article! Known as the sweetest god for their compassion towards humans, Obatala is considered the ''Child of God'' due to their father being the powerful Olorun. Id lime to learn more about my ancestors beliefs etc. Aja is actually the Goddess of the Forest and all of the animals that live within it. Interestingly, the Oba river intersects the Osun river at an explosive speed, symbolizing a long-standing rivalry between two of Shangos wives. African deities are numerous and include Aj Shaluga, Babal Ay, Bumba, Nana Buluku, Obatala, Olorun, Ogo, Oko, Olokun, the Orishas, Orunmila, Oshun, Oya, Shango, and Yemaya, as well as the following: Some gods and goddesses may be more or less powerful or known, but each holds some importance to the different cultural and religious groups of West Africa. One of my supervisors told me to lohe Kush or kushinties for religion purposes of my own. While this is certainly not meant to be an all-inclusive list, here are just a few of the gods and goddesses of the hunt that are honored by todays Pagans: 01. of 09. Write a timeline of the history of Santeria with these questions in mind. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. in my opinion think its a great idea to learn a lot about orishas and the practice before taking further steps . According to Fon mythology, Nana Buluku played an important in the creation of the world as she gave birth to twins Mawu (African moon goddess) and Lisa (African sun god), who joined forces to create the world. Oshun - She is one of the Yemaya is known as the Patron Spirit of the Ocean and the Rivers, and she is the main deity that the Yoruba people pray to when they set sail. This is why you will often times find Yoruba people named after their departed parents or grandparents in case they look alike. Im interested in this. She is well known for taking mortal lovers. This lesson touched on Santeria, a religion that mixes Yoruba gods with Christian saints. If you do actually spot him and decide not to give him an offering, he is definitely going to play tricks on you, but for the most part he just wants to have fun and be left to his own whims instead. When mischief and trickery can be converted into an orb of power controlled by a celestial spirit, it makes way for a relatively powerful narrative that strikes awe within its believers. Ahura Mazda. During ancient times, a slap of thunder signaled the onset of danger, or the gods wrath hurtling down from the heavens.

Kibuka would then go ahead of the warriors to clear their paths and ensure their victory. I really appreciate how your broke it down to where it help me understand. Oshun. African deities are a number of supernatural beings in the collective religions in the African continent. It is said that Obatala was the one that created the human bodies, and as they finished up their job, they demanded of their father to breathe life into the soulless bodies in front of them. Although they are a minor orisha, Aje Shaluga has a vast following as they are associated with happiness and joy, stability, prosperity, and spiritual wealth. Olokun is the ruler of the waters of Earth and is presented as both god and goddess depending on the religion. Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes. Obatala also values forgiveness and compassion as they once made a mistake and neglected their duties. It can be found in different South American cultures as well. O shun has been with me since I was about 10 years old. Is Yoruba the Definitive African Religion? I remember my mom honoring them, but were too young to remember how to work with them. His green skin symbolizes rebirth Sub-Saharan Africa African deities Alusi Yoruba deities Afro-American religion Loa Orisha Asia [ edit] Caucasus Armenian deities Georgian deities Vainakh deities Central Asia Turkic deities East Asia Chinese deities How and where do I dispose of it? Yes and most time u need no alter calling on a deceased sibling all u need is stillness and a great way of mediation. I feel like my Moms side probably came more from Ghana & my dads side more from Nigeria. 15 African Gods and Goddesses You Should Know. But before we do that how about we give you a little introduction to African Mythology, starting off with: The Pantheon of Orishas, a belief system that is mostly followed by the Yoruba people, is a group of divine spirits that was created by the supreme god Olodumare. There are thousands upon thousands of cultures to explore here, to the point where you could actually spend your whole life researching everything that Africa has in store for you and youd still fail to capture it in its entirety. I see more that i s imperative to my calling. Can you guide me as to how to proceed. ?.are you familiar with this entity. He loves music, women, and fun. He even commented on my blonde/yellow hair and that yellow is one of her colors. Bumba didnt stop there though as he also vomited up the sun, the night and nine animals in total. i think the groups are fun to follow it gives you a little bit of insight and i feel like some people in the group will help with some questions. Rest assured that we are ALL children of The Divine, and the form that It chooses to present Itself is only to appease us as human beings for our limited capacity of understanding the unknown. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. The destiny of the weapon is left in the hands of the human who possesses it. Carve or write the names of the 7 African Powers on the candle and dress it in an oil of your choice. Magec - God of the Sun. Saraswati. Shango. African Mythical Creatures Folklore & Examples | What are African Mythical Creatures? He is closely associated with Oya (Deity of the Winds) and Egungun (Collective Ancestral Spirits). lol I guess I was half asleep when i read how to use the candle because everyday for 7 days i would wake up , light the candle, say the prayer, then before bed i would turn it off. Most African traditional religions are extraordinarily diverse and range over countless cultures and practices.

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